
2025 Goal = $125,000

Click to GIVE or Print PDF (English / Spanish) for making a donation by mail or email

to our Annual Campaign or Heritage Club Program

Every Dollar Makes A Difference In the Life Of A Child

To Donate Contact Jenny Dallas /

The Annual Campaign ensures that no child is ever denied the opportunity to participate. It is only through the caring generosity and support of individuals and businesses like you, that the Y is able to provide help. Every donation, of any size, is welcomed and needed. Every dollar is used for direct financial assistance for kids and families and is tax deductible. We hope that you will consider being a part of the Y Annual Campaign. With your help we can ensure that the YMCA is accessible to everyone in our community. A pledge card may be obtained at our Member Service Center or email this pdf to 

Thank you to these Champion Level Donors:

2025 Champion Donors 2025 Champion Pacesetter Donors

Elizabeth & Daniel Sickinger
Meagan & Michael Shaheen
Cinda & Bob Orr
Brian II & Jessica Marsh
Nathan & Jennifer Vaughan
John Hoopingarner


2025 Champion Partner Donors

2025 Champion Circle Donors


Helen Brach Foundation



Our members and friends call us THEIR Y. We call them OUR greatest resource - the people who work alongside us and support our work to help our neighbors learn, grow and thrive.

What if we could harness all of that power to make an even greater difference on a bigger scale?

With programs from A to Z - like athletics to advocacy, dance classes to disease prevention, volleyball to volunteerism - we don't just strengthen individuals, we strengthen our community.

Tuscarawas County faces new challenges that create a greater need for the work we do. Fortunately, where some see obstacles, we see opportunities for our members, volunteers, staff, and generous donors like you to make a difference. No other organization can impact as many people as powerfully as we do every day.

Every gift makes a difference.
Everyone has a role to play.
Together, we can achieve so much more.