Traveling? Commuting?

We want you to take advantage of the Y wherever you live, work or travel.
With Nationwide Membership, you have the flexibility to use participating Y facilities across the United States at no extra charge.


  • Nationwide Membership (aka:The A.W.A.Y. - Always Welcome At a YMCA) program enables Y members to visit any participating YMCA in the United States
  • Valid for active, full facility YMCA members
  • Nationwide member visitors must use their home Y at least 50% of the time
  • Program-only participants are not eligible for nationwide membership
  • Special memberships (group homes, other agencies, etc.) are not eligible

To find a Y in another location, go to

YMCA Nationwide Members may use the Wellness Center, open times in the gym and pool at no charge. Visitors must show their Y Membership Card and register at the Member Service Center. This type of member may participate in Free Fitness Classes or pay the “Non-Member Pay Per Day Rate” on classes that have a fee. Registration for these classes may only be made day of class. No advanced reservation available. 

Questions or Concerns please contact the Member Service Center at 330-364-5511.