Our swim team is open to any youth YMCA Member that can complete a full length of the pool with Front Crawl and Back Crawl strokes.

Must also be a Y Member. Season: Swimmer is required to be a full YMCA member of our facility to be eligible. Meets are held on Saturdays. Some travel is required for away meets.
Questions: Contact Aquatics Director Stacy Harlan or 330-364-5511 Ext 314
Reminder to Members: All Pools will close at 4:30 PM for swim meets. This includes large, small, and whirlpool. 

Ages 5-18 (See requirements below)
Silver Streaks Swim Team is open to any Youth YMCA Member - Ages 5-18 who has already participated in a previous YMCA swim season or completed the SILVER STREAKS PRE-TEAM CAMP. If you missed the Pre-Team Camp, must be approved by the Head Swim Coach to join. Meets are held on Saturdays and some travel is required. Active YMCA Membership is required to be eligible for participation.

For additional information or questions contact Stacy Harlan YMCA Aquatic Director
JoLyn McFadden YMCA Swim Coach



Silver Streaks Summer Swim Team is open to any Youth YMCA Member that can meet the following requirements: 

  • 8 years old and under: can complete a full length of the pool with Front Crawl/Freestyle and Back Crawl/Backstroke strokes without any assistance.
  • 9 years and up: can complete two full lengths of the pool with Front Crawl/Freestyle and Back Crawl/Backstroke strokes without any assistance.



We put safety first! Sudden Cardiac Arrest Law (“Lindsay’s Law”) Signature Page

On March 14, 2017, Lindsay’s Law became effective in Ohio. This new law addresses Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) in youth athletes. SCA is the leading cause of death in student athletes 19 years of age or younger. SCA occurs when the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating. This cuts off blood flow to the brain and other vital organs. SCA is fatal if not treated immediately.

The new law applies to youth sports organizations, which is defined as any public or nonpublic entity that organizes an athletic activity in which the athletes are not more than 19 years old and are required to pay a fee to participate in the athletic activity or whose cost to participate is sponsored by a business or nonprofit organization. The law applies to youth athletes who wish to practice for or compete in athletic activities organized by a youth sports organization.

Before a youth athlete in an athletic activity, the athlete must submit to the youth sports organization a form signed by the athlete and the parent, guardian, or other person having care or charge of the athlete stating that they have received and reviewed a copy of the guidelines regarding sudden cardiac arrest. A completed form must be submitted each year for each athletic activity in which the student or athlete participates.

Both the form and guidelines to provide to the athlete and parent are available for download at

Coaches also have the following specific responsibilities under the law:

  1. Annual completion of the required SCA training course approved by the Ohio Department of Health. This training is available at
  2. Preventing the following students from participating in athletic activities until the coach receives written clearance by a licensed health professional: (a) A youth whose biological parent, sibling, or child has previously experienced SCA, and (b) any youth athlete that experiences syncope or fainting before, during, or after a practice, scrimmage, or competitive play.
  3. Removing from an athletic activity a youth athlete who faints or passes out before, during, or after the activity. Before returning to the activity, the youth athlete must be seen by a health care professional and cleared in writing.

The health care professionals who may evaluate and clear youth athletes are a physician (MD or DO), a certified nurse practitioner, a clinical nurse specialist, or certified nurse midwife.

The youth sports organization must establish a penalty for any coach that fails to comply with the above requirements.

As in the concussion law, the law provides that a youth sports organization or official, employee, or volunteer of the organization, including a coach, generally is not liable in damages in a civil action for injury, death, or loss to person or property allegedly arising from providing services or performing duties required by the bill. The immunity from liability does not apply if the act or omission constitutes willful or wanton misconduct.