At the Y, kids make our day more fun! In our Child Watch Area your child will play, learn and laugh while you get in a great workout. This babysitting service is offer at key times during the day when Fitness Classes and other programs are also going on so that you can get your workout in guilt free. We will keep your children safe and active while you get some time for self-care. Enjoy your workout. This program is a FREE PERK for YMCA Members.

Mornings Monday-Saturday 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Evenings Monday-Thursday 4:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Room surfaces and toys are cleaned after each shift. Your childs safety and health are our top priority. Please read our parent guidelines below.
- Capacity Limit: 6 Kids / one staff person - 12 Kids / two staff
- Age Limit: Children Age 6 Weeks to 9 years old
- Time Limit: 75 Min
- Children must wash hands before and after leaving area.
- Please have your children wear socks. Shoes are not permitted in the play area.
- Children must wash or sanitize hands before and after leaving this area (either at the sink or diaper wipes/hand sanitizer may be used by parent.)
- During the time in our care, each child’s parent/guardian is required to remain on site and must leave cell phone number with Child Watch Associate.
- Food, drinks, and personal items such as toys are not permitted in our Child Watch program.
- Please only bring small diaper bags. Storage space is limited. Please use coat hooks at the room entrance for diaper bag/coat.
- All pre-potty trained children should be diapered before signing into our care. We do not supply diapers and wipes. We are not change diapers at this time – parent/guardian will be notified for changing needs.
- No shoes in play area. All children must wear socks. Please use shoe storage rack located at our Child Watch door.
- If your child has been crying for approximately 10 minutes or more, the parent/guardian will be notified by cell phone and asked to return to Child Watch.
Children and Family members must pass the Covid-19 Screening questions before entering the facility.
Children will be required to have their temperature checked by staff prior to entering the program.
Please help us keep our Child Watch program a healthy place for all children.
If your child has any of the following symptoms, please do not bring them into Child Watch.
- Runny nose with color discharge
- Fever in the past 24 hours
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting in the past 24 hours
- Rash of any kind
- Eye discharge